sat na .. nanti tambah cerita
Monday, June 14, 2021
by Amira Shasmeen
Salut tout le monde!
Je m’appelle Amira! J’habite à Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie. J’adore trés my ville, la Malaisie est très belle et grande. C’est riche de cultures et d’amour. En Malaisie, il y a aussi beaucoup beaux bâtiments anciens. Notre fleur traditionnelle est l’Hibiscus. Notre fleur la plus célèbre est d’hibiscus. ‘Baju kurung' est le costume traditionnelle pour femmes ou fille et ‘baju melayu’ est la costume traditionnelle pour homme ou garçons.
Les Malaisiens adorent ‘nasi lemak’ ou aussi connu comme l'un des nourritures les plus célèbres en Malaisie. La plus grande tour jumelle du monde, appelée Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower, attire généralement les visiteurs. Il y a beaucoup de races dans ce pays. Parfois ils sont malais, chinois, indiens et beaucoup plus.
de mon quartier, Mont Kiara. C’est un fantasique endroit. C'est assez calme and beau.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Final Concert ....:)
So much to tell ...don't know where to start ...
I was one of the emcees!!!! The concert was held at MAS Academy.
More updates later ...Mommy is supposed to pick me up ..NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
so.... we shall start by posting pictures first ..:)
Seats were reserved for Mommy, Dadi and Tok
because .............
More updates later ...Mommy is supposed to pick me up ..NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cucumber juice anyone?? ....
Aunty Elisa introduced this drink to us when we visited her in Medan ..It was really really hot outside ... and this drink was very cool and refreshing ... Who would have thought that I would actually DRINK CUCUMBER!!!!

It is made by adding fine strips of cucumber and the juice of the remaining cucumber into a glass. Sometimes Mommy adds cold water and ice to fill the glass.
The secret to the most refreshing taste is this .....
which Aunty Elisa brings every time she comes to KL .... I just wish it was sold in Malaysia so we don't have to trouble her ...... Anybody know where we can find melon/honey dew syrup anywhere? Mommy tried making using fresh honeydew .... nice but not quite there ..:)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tok's five grandchildren ....
Kakak Iman, Aaqil, Haykal, Nia and me .... on a Friday evening at Mendut ...
I will turn 6 in a few weeks time and next year I will join the ranks of Kakak Iman and Haykal in primary school and I can't wait.
I love school .. I love my teachers ..I love my friends ... and of course ... I love my homework ...
I get very excited when Mrs Goh gives me many many pages of homework and get quite upset when she doesn't. I usually finish my homework within the first hour of reaching home or wherever Dadi decides to park us ...:)
Every Tuesday, I go to Piano class at Pianissimmo at Sunway Damansara. My teacher's name is Ms Ariel. She is a very sweet and cute lady. I sometimes find the pieces quite difficult to play but Mami helps me out. I also love doing my piano theory work ...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dubai was a short two day trip en route to Doha. We left KLIA on the 24th October at about 8.30pm, after a one hour flight delay. We flew Emirates.
Adik didn't fare very well on this flight because he had a bad cold that didn't go away. Poor thing, he suffered throughtout the whole journey. Dadi had to carry him almost throughout the whole flight. Luckily the crew were very friendly and accommodating. During the flight, they actually laid out a blanket for Adik to play in the galley. Adik was not comfortable in the cramped seats eventhough he had a seat all for himself. The takeoff and landing was the worst for Adik due to the cabin air pressure. BTW, the flights were extremely cheap ...RM1060 for a return flight to Doha as opposed to Rm3000+.
After almost 7 hours of flying, we finally landed at Dubai Airport. The bus transfer from the aircraft to the passenger terminal took a good 10 minutes or so. Uncle Hazem, Tok Dadak's friend waited for us at the airport. It was very nice of him to do so. We stayed at the Ibis Hotel, Dubai.
As we had only one and a half days to see Dubai, Dadi decided to hire a cab for 2 hours to drive us around. We visited the must sees ...

My parents did not do any shopping here because there was Doha to come. They were also trying to reduce the amount of baggage they were lugging around.
Uncle Redza and Auntie Kolin showed us the old Dubai by night after taking us out for a fantastic dinner.

Aaqil Aariz is one .....
Happy Birthday my dearest brother
You make me laugh
You make me cry (when you pull my hair)
You make me happy
You make me angry (when Mommy attends to you and says "Wait Miya")
I love it when you smile
I love it when you laugh
I love it when you make your muka busuk
I love it when you play with me ..
I love you, Ahmad Aaqil Aariz ...
You make me laugh
You make me cry (when you pull my hair)
You make me happy
You make me angry (when Mommy attends to you and says "Wait Miya")
I love it when you smile
I love it when you laugh
I love it when you make your muka busuk
I love it when you play with me ..
I love you, Ahmad Aaqil Aariz ...
Friday, August 28, 2009
5 pictures tells a bit more than 50 words ;P

Mommy was always in the room, looking after Adik who was always sleeping throughout the day. Daddy was the fun guy and fun we had. You should have seen the look on Mommy's face when I told her about my adventure with Dadi!!!!
Friday, July 03, 2009
5 years and moving on ....
This is so easy ...:P
Updates from me will be up really soon (:P NOT!!!) .. in the mean time, tq Achoo for updating ...
Updates from me will be up really soon (:P NOT!!!) .. in the mean time, tq Achoo for updating ...
Saturday, April 04, 2009
4 years and 8 months on ......
It has been quite sometime since I last updated on my skills and such ..there are so many things that I have done and skills that I have acquired that I don't know where to start ...
So let's do it systematically ... my way ...
I am now less shy ..but still shy especially around people I don't know. Having said that, it takes time for me to warm up to people even those who are familiar to me.
I now take part in party games ... sometimes, I cry if I lose .. or if I don't get a prize.
At times, I am brave enough to sing in front of a crowd but don't expect me to do it always.
I am still very possessive of my friends ... I always try to stand next to the birthday girl whilst cake cutting (giving my parents a major headache) ..and I expect my friends to include me in their activities .. (lagi pening!!!) ..
I love role-playing .. I am sometimes ....Cik Kedai, Cik MC D, Cik Security, Cik Tesco, Cik Hotel, Cik Dutamas ....
I am not so much of a TV addict ... but i am into Adi dan Ayah, Gang Bas Sekolah, Tom Tom Bak, Kapten Boleh of Channel 611 and most of 613. I will watch the shows repeatedly on ends.
I am very fluent in Bahasa Malaysia and my English is improving ... I learnt Mandarin in Nursery but now no longer. Mom says she wants to enrol me into the Mandarin class coz I seem to miss it ... we shall see.
I love writing. I can spell my name. I can spell my Mom's name. I can spell simple words like one, two, six, boy, cat, fat, rat, mat, sat get the drift???? Mom is reading the Sunshine series with me ..
I recognize more words than I can spell .. I recognize the spelling of most colours such as white, purple, orange, red, blue, black, green, pink etc, most numbers, animals such as hippopotamus, dog, elephant etc .... words such as little, big, small, school, weather, storm ...etc ....
I know my numbers well .. I count by rote ...
I memorize 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 4+4=8, 8+8=16, 16+16=32, 32+32=64, 64+64=128 in English ..
I know my colours, sizes and shapes
Gross Motor Skills
I love riding my bike albeit the two support wheels. I am also quite good on the scooter. I love to ride with Dadi. Mommy doesn't know how to ride a bike ..or anything that moves, for that matter!!! I have yet to master the roller skates Penji gave me for my birthday. I love climbing the door grille whenever Mommy's not looking (not so much now, tho')
Fine Motor Skills
I love writing, colouring, painting, simple paper folding (not origami level yet) ....
I love playing the piano .. Mommy has not sent me for formal lessons yet ..but I try on my own. Mommy sometimes helps me out. I surprised Mommy by playing by ear ... I try and try and try .. and I will finally get the tune right (to my standards). One hand tho'.
Living skills
I bathe every hour of the day ...nah ..not so bad ... I bathe every time I sweat ..or when my attire gets dirtied.
I brush my teeth every morning and night as taught by the nursewho visits our school.
I sometimes ??? (always) forget to put my things/toys where they belong ... and always get scolded by Mommy.
I love my brother but he sometimes annoys me when I want something from Mommy and Mommy asks me to wait coz she needs to attend to him first ....
More coming ..Aaqil dah bangun ...
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