It has been quite sometime since I last updated on my skills and such ..there are so many things that I have done and skills that I have acquired that I don't know where to start ...
So let's do it systematically ... my way ...
I am now less shy ..but still shy especially around people I don't know. Having said that, it takes time for me to warm up to people even those who are familiar to me.
I now take part in party games ... sometimes, I cry if I lose .. or if I don't get a prize.
At times, I am brave enough to sing in front of a crowd but don't expect me to do it always.
I am still very possessive of my friends ... I always try to stand next to the birthday girl whilst cake cutting (giving my parents a major headache) ..and I expect my friends to include me in their activities .. (lagi pening!!!) ..
I love role-playing .. I am sometimes ....Cik Kedai, Cik MC D, Cik Security, Cik Tesco, Cik Hotel, Cik Dutamas ....
I am not so much of a TV addict ... but i am into Adi dan Ayah, Gang Bas Sekolah, Tom Tom Bak, Kapten Boleh of Channel 611 and most of 613. I will watch the shows repeatedly on ends.
I am very fluent in Bahasa Malaysia and my English is improving ... I learnt Mandarin in Nursery but now no longer. Mom says she wants to enrol me into the Mandarin class coz I seem to miss it ... we shall see.
I love writing. I can spell my name. I can spell my Mom's name. I can spell simple words like one, two, six, boy, cat, fat, rat, mat, sat get the drift???? Mom is reading the Sunshine series with me ..
I recognize more words than I can spell .. I recognize the spelling of most colours such as white, purple, orange, red, blue, black, green, pink etc, most numbers, animals such as hippopotamus, dog, elephant etc .... words such as little, big, small, school, weather, storm ...etc ....
I know my numbers well .. I count by rote ...
I memorize 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 4+4=8, 8+8=16, 16+16=32, 32+32=64, 64+64=128 in English ..
I know my colours, sizes and shapes
Gross Motor Skills
I love riding my bike albeit the two support wheels. I am also quite good on the scooter. I love to ride with Dadi. Mommy doesn't know how to ride a bike ..or anything that moves, for that matter!!! I have yet to master the roller skates Penji gave me for my birthday. I love climbing the door grille whenever Mommy's not looking (not so much now, tho')
Fine Motor Skills
I love writing, colouring, painting, simple paper folding (not origami level yet) ....
I love playing the piano .. Mommy has not sent me for formal lessons yet ..but I try on my own. Mommy sometimes helps me out. I surprised Mommy by playing by ear ... I try and try and try .. and I will finally get the tune right (to my standards). One hand tho'.
Living skills
I bathe every hour of the day ...nah ..not so bad ... I bathe every time I sweat ..or when my attire gets dirtied.
I brush my teeth every morning and night as taught by the nursewho visits our school.
I sometimes ??? (always) forget to put my things/toys where they belong ... and always get scolded by Mommy.
I love my brother but he sometimes annoys me when I want something from Mommy and Mommy asks me to wait coz she needs to attend to him first ....
More coming ..Aaqil dah bangun ...