Saturday, January 12, 2008

First day of school ????? ...

Whatlah mommy ...big deal ... "look at me", "turn around", "sit there", "sit here" .... those neverending photo shoots ..Hrrrrmmmppphhh!! ..and it didn't end there ... in class ...more photos... videos ... plus other parents, too.

Not that it's my real first day of school. Many many months ago, Mom and Dad enrolled me at the KKindy. First week was okay, the second week, they decided to coop us all in one room and that was it. No more KKindy for me.

It's better this time around. It's a lot more airy and I have many friends. Ms Nadia is really cool. I like her.
I arrived very early on the first day. So early that I was the earliest child in school. Mom and I walked to school from Baba's house. Dad was too sleepy to send me.
I think I am really going to like it here .....

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