Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Sit ..up ...

Mommy is very lazy. If not for Tok nagging mommy to blog this ..she still won't move her butt. ..and I bet she will only be typing a sentence or two.

Today, i sat on my own. Didn't show mommy how I did it .. and she is pretty curious. Did it twice tho'. Ha ha. I love my "mandi" sessions. Mommy allows me to play for quite a while in the big red basin. I love twirling my body around whilst holding onto the edges. I am learning how to stand in the water. I managed to do it once, yesterday. Felt like such a big girl.

I got my cough and flu back and passed it on to mommy. Her cough is really really bad. So ..my weekly visitations to see Dr A begins ...

Phew ..that was more than a sentence ...well done mommy .. I love u, too.

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