Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nia Maesha

Achoo gave birth on the 22 September 2008 to Nia Maesha. Dadi calls her Nia Mak Esah. Tok sometimes call her Nia Kirana ..guess why?? Since Achoo is in confinement, Mommy tries to help out ..either Achoo or Tok. Nia is a cute little baby, about the same size as I was when I was born. 2.9kg. She has a very very very loud voice loud as Achoo's when she was a baby ..
No prizes for guessing the picture below correctly. The picture is meant for the next post but what the heck! Achoo is breastfeeding successfully and she has started her pumping sessions to prepare for her return to work. Mommy told Achoo that she could use the aiskrim Malaysia plastic bags to store the milk. We shall talk about it later in the next post.Yesterday, Mommy thought she would give Achoo a treat and make her nasi ulam. Thanks to Auntie Annie for buying the ulam ..... sponsor kan :)) ?

Nasi ulam, ikan tenggiri in olive oil and ikan talang masak asam

While Mommy is busy taking care of Achoo and herself :P, I, will bug Mommy to no end and attempt to annoy her by asking to go for a swim ..... She will obviously relent but it would take her so long to do so ...

Sometimes Haykal will follow me ...

after swimming, we are usually very very hungry ....


Anonymous said...

Olive Oil kami tau, hampa tak kata pun....

kookieemonsterr said...

Nia really looks like mummy dia lah.. :) Good Job mummy!

opsiedaisy said...

ya lah...Olive Oil Papa dia beli utk sapu badan punya :P heh

kookieemonsterr ...thanks...hehe mcm respond to my blog pulak